Interviewing Psychologist Karina Hamamouche (Notes)
Direct Link to File. 355 words, 2 minute read, 1 paperback pages
children quantity concepts, time & number
perceive quantities vs symbolic of number
perceived time vs symbols of time
animals and infants perceive quantities without symbols
language aspect
Lera Boroditsky language and categories TED talk:
childhood development
infants (3-4 mos) will classify if they see a cat over & over
they know that dogs are different, (anomaly detection)
kids aren’t always good at categorizing according to characteristics
kids w/o language can classify things
psychologists still don’t really know
and there’s always gonna be a new/better machine
emotion -
moral categories in humans influenced by emotion, embodied
integers are discrete, symbols, time is on a continuum
theory: same area of the brain processes time space & quantities
what is fair vs not fair, good vs bad… which side…
what are infants using to decide cat vs dog
see a dog: “Oh, it’s a cat because it has four legs, it’s a house pet”
how many features do you need to to fit a category… …detecting a different…
infant studies are based on looking-time
children tend to have a shape bias, group things by shape, over color
study random objects, circles & squares, put eyes on them or not, did different motions, kids notice that …object does the “wrong” action,
often time adult studies are included at the end of infant studies
BC moral development…
whether moral stories like george washington actually promote honest, only based on hearing the positive outcome of moral
childrens tv, often it teaches morality,
sometimes they only think about the lesson is about dogs…
inaccurate assumptions, some kind of assumption
kids are very literal , not good with abstract concepts, blah
rats and smelling bombs,
emotional component…
Lakoff “Where mathematics comes from…” raphael nunes , metaphor
14:56:42 From Karina Hamamouche : Lera Boroditsky 15:28:02 From Scott Hawley : 15:28:45 From Karina Hamamouche : Powell & Spelke (2013) 15:31:44 From Karina Hamamouche : People to check re. moral categories:
Paul Harris** Nadia Chernyak Katie McAuliffe Peter Blake** Felix Warneken Yarrow Dunham Fiery Cushman** Liane Young**