Direct Link to File. 344 words, 2 minute read, 1 paperback pages

Talking to M. - Notes

asked me: Who do you know at Oxford who knows someone at OUP?

Is it ok to blog? ….ok? Yes. see e.g. “How to blog a book” example… Crossways The Gospels Mark started as a series of blog posts

Motivation / Mental State:

  • “How to write A LOT”

  • “Professors as Writers”

  • “Deep Work” Cal Newport:

  • “The Slow Professor”:

  • “The One Thing” by Gary Keller:

  • “Essentialism” by Greg McKeown:

  • Cal Newport: “Digital Minimalism”

  • William Zinsser “Writing Well”

Speed reading:

  • Not subvocalizing
  • Have a speedreading practice book.
  • Practice not going back
  • Mortimer Adler: “How to Read a Book”, different ways of reading for different purposes

Interviews: Hossenfelder: Lost in Math: bunch of interviews. Would Sabine have any ideas to share on writing pop sci book…

Image rights: depends on the publisher. Publisher directed him how to do it.

Advances: T.N. ca. 55k over 3 books, agent 15%. Smaller company: 7k. For very-academic press, no advance.

How full of a proposal / precis do I need? / Precis, how much to prepare? Level of detail depends on publisher…

Getting promotional blurbs/quotes from people: M. cold-emailed some people. His agent reached out for blurb… anybody who has a connection,,,, before you have advance reader copy.

Footnotes / endnotes. Publisher determines that.

A lot of what you’ll have to do is learn how to market the idea.

“You can’t understand how hard it is to explain something.”

Other writers’ advice: “Assume that your reader is stupid, lazy, and mean.” :

  • stupid: you gotta clarify
  • lazy: they’ll put the book down
  • mean: if they can misinterpret it, they will

Know that You’re not trying to write the last word on this. …here it is as best as I can do it now, and I’m going to have to be ok with this, having learned stuff. 80/20 rule
