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Considering making an interactive timeline visualization of the “classification timeline”. By “interactive”, I mean scrollable, zoomable, and/or enables you to click on events to show more info.

Just a little preliminary Googling to see what’s out there I find a few examples, which DON’T do what I want exactly, but I could modify them, maybe:

  1. (reactive to page, but otherwise pretty static)
  2. (nice colors, mouseover shows a bit more info )
  3. (ugly, but I’m using vis.js elsewhere already, so… and in the next list of 10, Vis.js is featured with a less-ugly example)
  4. 10 Javascript Timeline Libraries, from which I like a number of the later ones…
    1. Timeline.js looks fully-featured, and also looks like there may be a way to statically host it, and it’s got a free License. …But it makes slideshows, not a real “timeline”??
  5. Google Charts will do timelines

Here’s an embedded example from Timeline.js:

Preview URL for that:
