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Q & A with myself, re. getting Javascript in the “book”:

Q: So, how easy is it to host any of this in an EPUB?

A: No idea.

Q: Have I embedded ANY javascript in an EPUB yet?

A: No I have not.

Q: Does Kindle even support Javascript ?

A: No Kindle’s format is MOBI not EPUB, so it is different and it does not support Javascript.

Q: So why am I bothering with embedding Javascript in EPUB? Why not just make a website to go with the book?

A: I’m not, yet. It’d be nice to embed, but it’s a lower priority than getting things working in a web page, which may end up being all the “book” has.

Q: But wait, aren’t you embedding these demos into your text?

A: Uhh… right. Maybe I need an agent who understands this stuff.

Q: So…are you doing to go print at all? If not, then why not just self-publish?

A: Yes, having print is the thought. I don’t want to self-publish because I want some air of “legitimacy;” I want the marketing & distribution help of a publisher to get my book ‘out there”
