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Subject: 3 Things, + 1


Hi! How are you doing? Hope your classes are going well.

This is now the second time I’m trying to write you you; the first email got obliterated due to a Mail app memory error.

  1. This paper about thresholds and classification: (“Heaviside” is just their way of saying “step function.” It’s named after a mathematician whose last name was “Heaviside” – Confession: when I was a student I thought it was called the “Heavy-Side” function, because, like, one side was “heavier” than the other? LOL) I haven’t really read it yet, I just think it’s interesting and important and I should read it.
  2. Started reading The Ant Trap. It’s good! So far, I read the first chapter, then read the authors “precis” of the book, then skipped to Part 2 about groups. I notice that the book is part of the Oxford series on the philosophy of science, and he claims to be doing philosophy: introducing newer advances in metaphysics to the field of social ontology.
  3. The game “Set”. I own it. Have you played it? Of particular interest to me right now is that the same card can be grouped into more than one set, depending on how one wants to “break things down”. Here’s a free online version, that even supports multiplayer!
  4. …Related to #3, in a way: The final draft of my essay on rules & labels was even more classification-y than the one you saw! In particular I “re-directed” one of my favorite Kate Crawford quotes. Maybe of interest, but no pressure:

That’s all I’ve got for now; I have some ML work to do for the next week. If you get a chance to look at or think of any of the 4 things, or anything else you’ve been reading, then let’s talk! …After Sunday.

Best wishes,

Dr. H

EXTRA ITEM: Facebook Designates Kyle Rittenhouse A Mass Murderer - Will Remove Any Posts Supporting Him

WASHINGTONEXAMINER.COM: Facebook Designates Kyle Rittenhouse A Mass Murderer - Will Remove Any Posts Supporting Him Although this only cites hearsay on Breitbart, so ???.