Direct Link to File. 234 words, 1 minute read

  • How do I go about trying to get interviews with people?
    • Can I just cold-write them?
    • Should I offer to pay them? (Maybe academics are happy just to talk & maybe get quoted & cited)
    • Is it ok to ask to record them? Is there a proper etiquette that?
  • Re-using/blogging content:
    • Should I keep the book idea mostly secret? (I don’t have an agent yet)
    • Can I post sample chapters to my blog and still use them in the book?
    • How else am I to ‘drum up’ support for the book if I’m not blogging or publishing on the book-related topics?
  • How do I go about getting rights for including images? Or does the publisher have people to do that?
  • How/when do I approach people to write quotable blurbs praising my book? (Maybe that’s for later!)
  • …maybe there’s an ==online course== for nonfiction book writing? probably. (Anything to get out of actually writing! haha)
  • How do I best alternate (or iterate) between research and writing?
  • Citations & Footnotes:
    • How many citations / footnotes can I use before I start to ‘turn off’ popular-level readers?
    • Related to previous: say I’ve got something that’s not quite worthy of a citation – something that in a blog post would just be a hyperlink – how should I handle converting that into book form?